Tuesday, April 4, 2017

4th Blog

Can I just tell you guys a story about my dog? Okay cool, thanks! So growing up, I never had a pup before, which is pretty ridiculous if you ask me. Older brother never got one, and older sister *hates* animals... Weird, I know. Well once I was the last of my parents offsprings living at home, I decided that this "never having a dog" idea was way too outdated. My first semester in junior college, I had a teammate who just got a gorgeous black lab puppy, and I had to have one. He told me that there were a few left, and the family was giving them for free as long as they went to good homes. Well, I couldn't think of a better home than with me. First thing I did was ask my mom, because I love and respect her. She said no. Second thing I did was text my friend saying "bring my dog to school tomorrow."

He sure did bring that dog to school, although he got there during my class. It mattered not
, I wanted to get out of there anyways. So now I have a dog, cool right? Well it did not go smoothly with the parents when I brought him home. It was unanimously agreed that he was the cutest pup any of us had ever seen, but I had to find him a new home. Sad day. I was sad, like the most sad. I thought I was going to have to give little buddy away, but after a few days of trying to find him a new home (I didn't try that hard), my dad actually found him a new place to live. Again, sad day. But here is where the day gets happy.

Dad told mom he found little guy a home, but mom says when dad was telling her this, he was getting choked up. Uh oh, dad loves the pup! Mom rolls her eyes, and says "I guess we have a dog now." Mom was not pleased, dad and I were thrilled! Happy days ahead, that was for sure. Mom took a little while to warm up to the dude, but now neither of my folks can imagine life without him, life is much better with the General (his title, not his name). Oh yes, Buster Brown (his name) is loved by all, I miss him so much while I'm away in Peru, but I know he is well taken care of! I miss this dude, my best bud! Thanks for reading, I'm sure you enjoyed yourselves.


  1. Interesting blog post. Glad you got the dog. Good story, I feel however people will be looking for application on your blog. How can they apply what you have to say for themselves or what is your theme? I like this post and looking back at other posts I see they are related to you however people may want some application in reading their blog posts. Nonetheless, it's a good story and glad you could keep the dog at the end of it.

  2. What a great story! I am a dog mom, so I may be a little biased! It is crazy how they truly become a member of your family. I am glad you were able to keep the dog, and not have to rehome him! Although, I have to agree with Trey in regards to the application of your blogs. I struggled with this for quite some time, but finally feel as though I am beginning to understand the process! Pretty puppy!

  3. Great story about how you adopted your puppy! People are drawn into happy pet adoptions such as this. I am a huge dog lover, literally, I own a Great Dane. It is amazing how parents can change their mind on matters so quickly when love is involved, and with that cute little face your puppy has it would be hard not to love him. Great post!
